Dev 1 Credit Rubric
Devs may choose to take DTI for one (1) credit if ONE of the following conditions apply:
- Adding DTI for the regular amount of credits leads to credit overload, and your petition is denied.
- You have been on DTI for two semesters
- For freshmen who joined in the fall, that fall semester DOES COUNT, even if you took it for 0 credits
Since DTI counts for fewer credits, your DTI responsibilities are adjusted accordingly. In particular, we're taking out some of the team requirements and focusing your 1 credit work on your subteam, so you can make the most impact.
Team Requirements- Attendance at 2 All Hands
- 1 team event credit
- Team Assignment not required
Dev Requirements- 3 (out of 5) dev portfolios
- Dev Assignment 2
- DevSesh is completely optional