Development Guidelines
This covers guidelines for your work as a dev/TPM.
GitHub Use Guidelines- For TPM
- Set up a PR template that includes a summary, edge case discussion, and manual testing methodology
- Small PRs! Encourage devs to have smol PRs
- More PRs to count!
- Each PR is easier to review!
- Encourage branches to be named systematically (if not already).
- Examples:
- [name]-[FEATURE-NAME]
- Examples:
- Set up ESLint on push (and require lint to pass in order for build to pass) if not already set up
- Set up pre-commit hooks
- ESLint and Prettier
- If things are slow, check that you are only linting files that have been changed
- Migrate to GitHub Issues if not already
- use labels to categories as issue/bug, triage importance + difficulty
- allows dev leads to see development progress
- if you already have your own system, let us know
- For All
- Don't approve PRs unless it has a good manual testing plan, or adequate unit testing
- Don't approve PRs without manually testing it
- Don't merge in PRs that are not yours (without a good reason)
- Be detailed with PR descriptions
- Follow template (we are requiring all subteams to have a PR template)
- Please be thorough in writing manual testing methodology
- Don't approve PRs unless it has a good manual testing plan, or adequate unit testing
Code Reviews- Please review your fellow devs's PRs! (even if it already has a review)
- Leaving a review requires following the author's test plan, plus your own tests if you think there are gaps
- Your portfolio reviews requirement is happy that you are doing this :D