Dev & TPM Grading Rubric
Role Specific Grading Breakdown (40%)- 20% - Dev Assignments
- 10% - Dev Assignment 1
- 10% - Dev Assignment 2
- 20% - Role Meeting Attendance
- Devs: bi-weekly DevSesh, TPM 1:1s (3 total in a semester)
- TPMs: TPM meetings
- Can miss up to 2 meetings (DevSesh or TPM), no questions asked
Dev Subteam Performance (30%)#
Reliability (aka Portfolios) (10%)2% for each completed dev portfolio.
- 1% for at least 1 pull request link.
- 1% for at least 1 review link.
Quality of Work (15%)- 15 - Impressive
- Dev's work defines the word 'master hacker' OR if a dev actively contributes to other parts of the project (so a mainly frontend works on backend, an iOS works on Android, etc)
- Semester's work contains several impressive changes.
- 12 - Excellent
- This is the baseline. Meets the expectation to consistently and constantly produce work with at least one impressive stuff.
- Impressive means that there is something original. Examples:
- Try some new technology that no one else on DTI has tried before
- Linter fixes that significantly reduces the number of linter errors (you can't achieve this by disabling linter warnings/errors)
- A refactoring that improves developer experiences
- Create part of a new feature from scratch (with no similar existing code to reference)
- A difficult bug fix
- etc...
- Some unimpressive examples:
- Writing a new backend endpoint that is very similar to other endpoints.
- Small tweaks to existing code.
- Moving a lot of stuff around without substantial change (usually has a high raw diff lint count, but low significant line count)
- etc...
- 9 - Good
- Dev consistently and constantly produce work but unimpressive.
- Newbies have the exception that if they put in "faithful attempts", they will reach a 12.
- 6 - Okay
- Something like fixing CSS bugs every week but nothing else.
- 3 - Poor
- GitHub contribution graph is extremely sparse.
- 0 - Hopefully no one gets there.
Professionalism (aka Don’t Commit Crimes) (5%)Start from 5. Minus certain points for each problem below. We will happily ignore some small number of unhelpful commit messages.
- (-1) PR Reviews provide minimal feedback or trivial changes only
- (-1) extremely unhelpful commit messages
- (-1) leaked credentials
- (-1) committed small garbage to the repo (temp/unneeded files)
- (-2) committed big garbage to the repo (something like node_modules)
- (-2) bad words in code or commit messages
- (-2) committed crime to the repo. (e.g. force-push to destroy other dev's work, very unlikely)
TPM Subteam Performance (30%)#
Team Communication (aka Reliability) (aka Portfolios) (15%)3% for each completed TPM portfolio.
Project Management (5%)- 5 - Establishes a clear list of tasks to complete before release, updates/maintains the timeline, and keeps everyone on schedule with no confusion
- 4 - Establishes a clear list of tasks to complete before release and delegates deadlines to members well
- 3 - Establishes tasks and timeline, but sometimes these planning breaks apart.
- 2 - Establishes unclear tasks and timeline to release
- 1 - Do not help establish clear tasks or deadlines
Helpfulness (5%)- 5 - Can be counted on to help developers.
- 4 - Helps developers, but sometimes with large delay.
- 3 - Sometimes helps developers.
- 2 - Rarely helps developers.
- 0-1 - Developers feel abandoned.
Quality (5%)- 5 - Codebase is properly maintained, and the codebase has a high standard of quality.
- 4.5-5 - Codebase is mostly maintained. 5 if only one of the following applies. 4.5 if both apply.
- Some development practices are not completely adhere to industry's best practices. (ignore an unspecified small number of violations)
- Developers sometimes run into trouble of merging in their changes due to mismanagement of codebase
- 3 - No sign of effort of maintaining the codebase, and breaks are frequently. However, things still somehow work.
- 2 - No sign of effort of maintaining the codebase, and things don't work most of the times.
- 1 - Codebase is in free fall.
- 0 - Hopefully no one gets here. If you encourage developers to commit the source code of linux or a 100GB movie into the repo, you will probably get this grade.