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PM vs. TPM Guide for Team Members

While the distinction between PM and TPM may be clear to the managers, it may not be as clear to the team members. This is a practical guide for the team members so they can know who to reach out to if they have questions.

Go to TPM if…

  • You have a bug you cannot fix
  • You are a developer and unsure of what you are doing this week
  • You are a designer and you want to make a point about the implementation of your design on the website
  • You find a package that you think would be really cool to add to Research Connect
  • You have a pull request that has not been completed after a week
  • You are implementing a feature and are unsure how to implement something
  • You are a developer and your task seems too difficult
  • You are a developer and you have time for more tasks

Go to PM if...

  • You are a designer and you are unsure of what you are doing this week
  • You are a designer and you have an idea for a new addition to the website
  • You have an idea for marketing or feature
  • You have a question about the user research for a task/feature
  • You have a question regarding or are concerned about the direction or future of the product
  • You have a question about a meeting time/place
  • You have someone who you think would be a good person to talk to about the product
  • You have any questions about the team's roadmap/timeline


  • You are doing a 1:1
  • You are having an issue with how either PM/TPM is handling the team
    • Reach out to the team leads if it’s serious.
  • You’re implementing a feature and are unsure about how a feature would function or look like
  • You have something that doesn’t fit in this list